Policy Platform

The organizers at UTEC advocate for legislative, administrative, and budget policies that impact young people all across Massachusetts.

Current Legislative Priorities

An Act Relative to a Fresh Start (HD.3246/ SD.820)

Increases the age for which arrests must be maintained in a separate police log from 18 to 25; establishes and regulates the operation of the fresh start program in the executive office of public safety; requires the program to facilitate and enable removal of past stories reported online about an individual’s criminal offenses or other events; establishes and regulates the membership of the fresh start coordinating council, charged with establishing guidelines and best practices for such program.

An Act Relative to Expungement of Juvenile and Young Adult Records (HD.3238/ SD. 1907)

Reduces the list of offenses ineligible for expungement; allows expungement of all records that resulted in non-convictions/non-adjudications; incentivizes not re-offending; prohibits dissemination of finger print juvenile arrests to the FBI (expect to submit sealing and expungement orders) to prevent juvenile records from being available to the public; and requires annual reports on expungement convictions to evaluate the legislation’s impact. 

An Act to Promote Public Safety and Better Outcomes for Youth (HD.3632/SD.2115)

This bill proposes raising the age of criminal majority in Massachusetts from 19 to 21 by 2030, with gradual increases along the way. It replaces age-specific terms with “criminal majority” in various laws related to criminal responsibility and juvenile justice. The bill also modifies how juvenile courts handle cases, probation, and detention for offenses committed by individuals under the new age threshold. The changes aim to ensure more consistent treatment of youthful offenders and reflect a shift in how they are legally addressed over time.

An Act to Promote the Future Success of Mattress Recycling in the Commonwealth (HD.4218/ SD.2024)

This bill proposes creating a commission in Massachusetts to examine the financial and environmental impacts of mattress disposal and management, including bed foundations and box springs. The commission will evaluate current practices like recycling and disposal, recommend policies to improve mattress reuse and recycling, and explore ways to reduce costs and environmental harm. It will look into local management options, the financial burden on municipalities, and successful programs from other states. Additionally, the commission will explore opportunities for community involvement through nonprofit partnerships. Chaired by the Department of Environmental Protection commissioner, the 

commission will include state legislators, waste management experts, and industry representatives. It will hold its first meeting by June 1, 2025, and submit a report with recommendations by November 30, 2025.

An Act Related to Educational Programming for Incarcerated Emerging Adults (HD.853/ SD.821)

This bill mandates the enhancement of educational programs for incarcerated individuals aged 18-25 in state prisons and county facilities. It requires each facility to offer at least one program for high school equivalency, with opportunities for testing and earning credits. Additionally, facilities must provide age-appropriate programs in college readiness, workforce readiness, and vocational training for all emerging adults. Incarcerated emerging adults must participate in at least four hours of out-of-cell educational programming each weekday, with additional in-cell learning via tablets. The bill emphasizes community-based workforce development, partnerships with nonprofits, and educational institutions, especially those with staff who have shared experiences with incarceration, to create innovative programs.

An Act Enhancing the Effectiveness of Nonprofits’ Core Mission Work Through Full Cost Funding (HD.2009/ SD.823)

This bill ensures that nonprofit organizations receiving state-funded or partially state-funded grants or contracts are reimbursed for indirect costs. It requires that nonprofits be reimbursed at a rate based on an existing federal Negotiated Indirect Cost Rate Agreement (NICRA). If they don’t have a NICRA, the bill sets a default reimbursement rate of at least 15% of modified total direct costs, or allows for negotiating a new rate with the Executive Office of Administration and Finance. This policy applies to both direct and third-party state funds.

An Act to Implement Recommendations of the Commission on Structural Racism in the Parole Process (HD.3242/ SD.2071)

This bill revises the Massachusetts Parole Board’s structure and operations, establishing a nine-member board appointed by the governor for five-year terms. Members must include professionals in fields like psychiatry, psychology, or social work, and one must have personal experience with incarceration and parole. It focuses on tailoring parole conditions to the offender’s characteristics and crime, emphasizing rehabilitation and public safety. The bill also requires the collection and publication of parole data, including violations, revocations, and demographic details, and mandates a record of parole decisions with guidance for denied candidates. Public parole hearings must occur at least 90 days before eligibility, with decisions announced 30 days prior.

An Act to End Lifetime Parole for Juveniles and Emerging Adults (HD.819/ SD.2413)
An Act to Implement Recommendations of the Commission on Structural Racism in the Parole Process (HD.3242/ SD.2071)

This bill revises the Massachusetts Parole Board’s structure and operations, establishing a nine-member board appointed by the governor for five-year terms. Members must include professionals in fields like psychiatry, psychology, or social work, and one must have personal experience with incarceration and parole. It focuses on tailoring parole conditions to the offender’s characteristics and crime, emphasizing rehabilitation and public safety. The bill also requires the collection and publication of parole data, including violations, revocations, and demographic details, and mandates a record of parole decisions with guidance for denied candidates. Public parole hearings must occur at least 90 days before eligibility, with decisions announced 30 days prior.

This bill creates a new designation, “Transformational Youth,” for individuals sentenced to life for first- or second-degree murder or manslaughter committed between ages 14 and 21, applying retroactively. It revises the definition of “youthful offender” to exclude Transformational Youth. The bill allows for the termination of parole for those who have complied with the law for three consecutive years on parole, with the Parole Board issuing a Certificate of Termination within 30 days if no violations occurred. The process includes notification, a review by the Parole Board, and distribution of the certificate to relevant parties. For individuals already meeting the three-year condition at the time of the bill’s enactment, an expedited process is required, and time served on parole before the bill’s passage counts toward the three-year requirement.

An Act Relative to Proportionality in Joint Venture Sentencing (HD.790/SD.1457)

This bill modifies accomplice liability in murder cases by creating a separate classification for individuals who assist in a murder but are not the principal offenders. It sets a sentencing range of 2.5 to 25 years for these accomplices and allows those previously convicted under a joint venture theory to seek resentencing. Incarcerated individuals must be notified about eligibility for resentencing within 90 to 120 days after the bill’s enactment. The resentencing process includes submitting forms and possibly receiving legal counsel, with the prosecution needing to prove ineligibility beyond a reasonable doubt. Successful petitioners can be resentenced with time served counted and may face parole supervision. The bill also mandates the Attorney General’s office to collect data on these petitions and report annually to the legislature.

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